Special Products

Girth Gears and large slews gears

We work exclusively with PWT Holland, world’s largest (and most modern) girth gear manufacturer,
to provide top quality gears for large mills/kilns. In competitive-pricing cases we work with manufacturers in Asia.

Couplings and spindles for steel industry

We work exclusively with Taier Heavy industry, Ma’anshan, China.

Filters and oil sensors

We work exclusively with Des-case USA and RMF systems Holland. Product are used for
lube/hydraulic oil filtration, improvement of oil quality and monitoring of oil conditions.


mining truck spare parts / BEML mining machines
Since end of 2019

We exclusively represented BEML Ltd Bangalore to supply spare parts to 18 BH100 dumpers At Mae Moh Mine In Northern Thailand.

Professional Bucket Russia

We started working with PB in 2023 to supply large excavator buckets and dumper truck components
to mining customers in Thailand and Laos.